I'm working with the film crew for our little STAC project/ talent portion of the talent show tomorrow!!! In the first 2 days, I was sort of buzzing like a mindless moth going to different light bulbs to see which ones the brightest. I went along from one type of art to the next hoping to spark an interest. I joined the film crew just to get the gist of acting in front of a camera and to try and share my ideas with other people. I'd like to give a shout out to each one of the cast/crew. Thank you so much for having me be involved in those technological instruments on a tri-pod that with somehow at just a push of a button, you could recall what just happened. I especially thought that it was a worthy experience to see how much a cameraman has to go through (since i observed the camera from the front for awhile while we were shooting). Working alongside of the director, looking at what type of camera he needs for the shot, even setting it up is like a whole other process that could go as long as writing a required 2-page monologue when you haven't even come up with the title yet (if you don't know what you're doing or maybe it's a really big camera to put in place). Also, I could have an interest of pursuing film making, audio engineering, editing, cameraman, or something along those lines but hey: you have to start somewhere, you know?
That's one of the main purposes of STAC. To introduce you to other forms of the arts to see what other difficult looking things you can do and see if you come to realization that you can do them shockingly well. So far, I've only seen this happen to other people but I'm not worried. I shall get my day soon enough! Or at least when I'm ready. Overall, it was a fun thing to do, especially since it was my first time. I hope to work on other types of films in the future or something performance based or anything else that's artsy, and if I mess up something I can learn from my mistakes. I'd like to end this this post with a quote from Barack Obama: "The future rewards those who press on. I don't have time to feel sorry for myself. I don't have time to complain. I'm going to press on."
I also would like to try out film making or being in won, form your description it seems pretty fun. A lot of work but looks cool and the video was pretty funny too.